Advertisement banner for Travel agency

制作期間: 60 分
使用ソフト: Photoshop, Illustrator


I created an ad for a fictional travel agency that promotes a trip to a tropical country. The main target audience is women and I used photos that give a bright and fresh impression.

Advertisement banner for WhatsApp sticker

制作期間:120 分
使用ソフト: Photoshop, Illustrator


I made WhatsApp stickers using the corporate mascot character and created a banner to announce the stickers, which were distributed free of charge through the website. In addition to various facial expressions such as laughing, crying, and angry faces, I also made stickers of kanji characters, samurai stickers, and more.

POP UP PARADEフィギュアの告知バナー
Advertisement banner for selling POP UP PARADE figure

制作期間:120 分
使用ソフト: Photoshop, Illustrator

POP UP PARADEというアニメフィギュアのシリーズ商品の告知バナーを制作しました。その名の通り、ポップな色使いで、様々な人気アニメキャラクターを盛り込みました。

I created a banner to announce a series of products called POP UP PARADE, a series of anime figures. As the name suggests, I used pop-up colors and included a variety of popular anime characters.

Advertisement banner for cosplay wigs

制作期間: 120 分
使用ソフト: Photoshop, Illustrator


This banner was created as an advertisement to sell cosplay wigs. The target audience is anime and game lovers from overseas, so I included popular characters in the ad. I also emphasized colorful and bright images to create an atmosphere that would make people want to buy the product.

Youtube channel banner

制作期間:120 分
使用ソフト: Photoshop, Illustrator


The banner was created to launch a Youtube channel. I created the image by placing popular characters and mixing the bright atmosphere of the cartoon with the simplicity of the corporate logo.

Advertisement banner for Twitch Panel

制作期間:120 分
使用ソフト: Photoshop, Illustrator


I created free material that you can use for your own information panel on the live-streaming site called TWITCH. I also created a banner announcing it and posted it on the company’s website.

Advertisement banner for a Guitar shop

制作期間: 60 分
使用ソフト:Photoshop, Illustrator


I created an ad for a fictional guitar store. To describe that the shop is on a big sale even if they are going in the red, I used a burning guitar as the image for sale. (In Japanese, there is the word “Hi-no-kuruma”, which is used when people are short of cash. I was inspired by this word and made a homage image).

Advertisement banner for horror movie
(Graduation project at web school )

制作期間: 50 分
使用ソフト: Photoshop, Illustrator


The image is inspired by the smash hit movie “The Ring”. I created this by imagining that if Sadako were to appear today, she would not appear on TV, but on a smartphone.
I warped the image of a smartphone and combined it with the image of a crawling woman by multiple processing in Photoshop. I used blood splatter to create a horrifying atmosphere.